Stepping From Behind the Curtain…

Long-time readers will have noticed a few changes on this site. It has been renamed, “Cavillations”. And, after many years of publishing a blog in the name of his firm, Steve Cavanagh will now be posting in the first person singular.

With only one or two exceptions, I’ve written all of the posts that have appeared on the site. When I began to write the case commentaries that evolved into this blog, I had no partners, so there was no need to consider anyone else’s views about the subjects of the posts. Since then, I have been fortunate to be joined in the practice by a number of fine lawyers who have become my partners and associates. They don’t get consulted about what I write, so it’s not really fair to them to speak in terms of what “we” think about a particular subject. (I don’t actually recall that any of them ever voiced disagreement with any comments that I wrote, but maybe they were just being polite.)

So, with the full support of my partners, to whom I am most grateful, I have decided to transform this blog into a more individual site. The views expressed on it will be mine alone (except for those of any guest commentators).

During the coming year, I plan to add some richer content to this site, to make it of greater use to those in the legal community. So thanks for your support and stay tuned!

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